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You could be in the top 1% if you’re quick enough to spot the three pigs without party hats on in under 20 seconds

THIS adorable brain teaser is getting puzzle lovers in a twist as they desperately try to find the three odds pigs in 20 seconds.

Hidden among the herd of party-loving hogs are three without party hats.

Can you spot the three pigs without party hats?
Can you spot the three pigs without party hats?Credit: Dudolf

The colourful brain teaser shows a sea of cartoon creatures all donning bright hats - with some even gripping a drink.

But there are three pigs that didn't get the hat memo - and they're harder to spot than you might think.

The puzzle was created by Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, and has sent puzzle fans into a frenzy as they try to hunt out the hat-less critters

To make it more difficult, the artist has added a number of distracting features including confetti, streamers, glasses and tiny flags.

More optical illusions

Many have been trying to solve the puzzle in under 20 seconds.

If you're struggling, look towards the bottom left, bottom right and top right.

And if you still can't see the pigs, scroll down for the solution.

Meanwhile, how fast you can spot the sneaky snake in this woodland scene could prove how intelligent you are.

The mind-bending optical illusion has left puzzlers scratching their heads - with the artist claiming just one per cent of people can figure it out in under seven seconds.

Another optical illusion creator has released a series of casino-inspired brainteasers that will have you wracking your brain.

In one puzzle, Mr Gamble challenges you to find a hidden pair of sunglasses amongst a scene of chaos.

Original artwork by Dudolf. Taken without permission. – PARTY HARD Are you quick enough to spot the three pigs without party hats on in this brain teaser? You have just 20 seconds
Original artwork by Dudolf. Taken without permission. – PARTY HARD Are you quick enough to spot the three pigs without party hats on in this brain teaser? You have just 20 secondsCredit: Dudolf
