Religious couples have better sex compared to non-believers who sleep around, experts claim
RELIGIOUS couples have better sex compared to non-believers who sleep around, experts claim.
Those who do not live together before marriage have the best time in bed as they have lower expectations.
They also see each other less, making romps more meaningful.
Meanwhile, casual sex with multiple partners lowers sexual satisfaction over time, the researchers say.
Experts at Exeter University used data from 15,000 men and women aged 18 to 59 from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes.
Study author Dr Vegard Skirbekk said: “As religious individuals are less likely to engage in casual sex and more likely to limit sex to a relationship based on love, this can lead to lower expectations of sexual activity outside a formal union.”
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He said it also “increased satisfaction from their sex life in general”.
Co-author Dr Nitzan Peri-Rotem added: “While satisfaction initially increases with sex frequency, it declines at a higher number of sex occasions. Therefore, ‘too much’ sex may lead to lower satisfaction.”
The study, published in the Journal of Sex Research, also found more educated adults have less sex and lower satisfaction compared to those with fewer qualifications.