I wanted an abstract dog tattoo but cruel trolls say my prized inking looks more like contraception
A WOMAN who got an abstract dog tattoo has been told it looks more like contreception.
People get tattoos for all sorts of reasons - to remember a loved one or just because they like the look of it.
"I'm honestly shocked."
The post was soon inundated with comments, and many claimed the piece looked more like an intrauterine device (IUD) or uterus than a dog.
One person wrote: "I see a uterus and fallopian tubes attached to…something?"
Another commented: "I thought it was someone trying to draw ovaries and a uterus from memory lmao."
"This looks vaguely reproductive system-like," remarked a third.
Meanwhile, a fourth said: "I thought that was a uterus."
A fifth replied: "It's an IUD obviously."
"It looks like a uterus on a stick," commented another.
One said: "I thought it was an IUD or something at first."
Recently, a man took to Reddit to share how his intricate tribal tattoo had changed over the last twenty years.
The first picture, which sees the tattoo after it was just done shows a tribal-style tattoo with lots of intricate line work.
But as time went on, the line work bled out making it look like he had a giant black blob on his ankle.
The before and after photos of the tattoo were taken twenty years apart and left people stunned.
People online couldn't decided who was to blame for the tattoo fail.
But many agreed it now looked like a silhouette of Yoda form Star Wars.