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I’m an interior expert and three curtain mistakes are ruining your home – and yes, size matters

Scroll down to see how you could be making your windows look smaller, the ceilings feel lower, and the room seem smaller overall
Woman opening sheer curtains at a window.

WHEN it comes to curtains in the house, people often overlook style for practicality.

You may also end up sacrificing the perfect set for something cheaper depending on your budget.

Karen Rhodes is an interiors expert who specialises in curtains
Karen Rhodes is an interiors expert who specialises in curtainsCredit: SUPPLIED

But interior design expert Karen Rhodes, of , has revealed that you must not ignore the importance of curtains in a room.

She said: "We've all been in rooms where the curtains simply don’t work. It could be the colour or the fabric, or maybe the style just doesn’t gel with the overall aesthetic.

"The thing is, when that happens, it completely ruins the look of the space. Because curtains matter.

"Windows provide a focal point, and your curtains either frame it or cover it. So, when you get your curtains wrong, it impacts the rest of the room."

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She adds: "As well as the visual impact, they can influence both temperature and light levels.

"So, although your choice of window dressing can seem like a minor matter when compared to your décor or furniture, the reality is that your curtains can be the element that makes or breaks a room’s aesthetic.

"So, it’s worth investing the time and effort to get them right."

It's not just the curtains themselves that matter either.

How you hang them, the poles or rails you choose, hidden tracks, or blinds all add to the aesthetic minefield.

Here, Karen reveals the three biggest mistakes you need to avoid. 

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Pole position

The length of your curtain pole doesn’t matter as long as it covers the window, right? Wrong!

If your curtain pole is only as long as the width of your window, you’re going to encounter a number of issues, according to Karen.

She says: "Firstly, visually, it’s just not going to look right. But that’s the least of your problems.

"If your curtain pole is too short, it won’t completely cover the aperture, which means that light can work its way around the sides when the curtains are shut.

"This is annoying in the mornings and may threaten your privacy if the pole is too far from the wall.

"But the problems don’t stop when the curtains are opened, because then they will always sit within the window frame. This will block natural light from entering the room, as well as your view. And it will also damage your curtains.

"When your curtain fabric is exposed to excessive direct sunlight, it will inevitably fade along the leading edges."

Karen also argues that projection is another crucial consideration, especially with bay window curtain poles.

Bay windows often have deep sills, so the pole needs to project at least 5cm beyond the sill to allow full-length curtains to hang properly.

In practice, this may mean positioning the pole as much as 20cm in front of the wall.

"A poorly positioned pole can cause the curtains to bunch awkwardly or hang incorrectly, detracting from the room's overall aesthetic", she says.

Height matters

There are some exceptions that can’t be avoided, but wherever possible, full-length curtains should always be used.

Karen says: "Curtains that end halfway – commonly known as 'apron-length' – usually compromise the look of the space, because they visually cut the room in half. That can make the windows look smaller, the ceilings feel lower, and the room seem smaller overall.

"While the savings that shorter curtains can bring are pretty appealing, the overall aesthetic is sacrificed."

DIY duds

And finally, Karen insists that curtain making is a professional job as it "requires skill, tools, and experience".


She says: "Even if you are an absolute whizz on the sewing machine, you still stand a good chance of getting it wrong. So, trust the professionals.

"A well-made pair of curtains can last ten or even 20 years. So, although they can seem expensive in the first instance, they can be a worthwhile investment."
