What is lungworm, how do I detect it in my dog and how do I prevent it?

While some may assume their pooches will be OK without certain treatments, there is a killer parasite that can easily infect untreated dogs

US Brits are a nation of dog lovers, but could not vaccinating our pets be putting them at risk of a common deadly disease?

According to a survey of 4,000 owners by PDSA, the proportion of dogs being vaccinated has fallen from 82 per cent in 2011 to 75 per cent - but by not protecting your pets, they could be susceptible to lungworm.


Various areas of the country experience cases of lungworm – to find out if your area has been affected, .


How can lungworm be prevented and can it be treated?

Lungworm can easily be prevented with suitable products used monthly.

While lungworm can be treated, preventative measures are advised as the parasite can still be fatal.

If your dog is diagnosed with lungworm, treatment is easily available from vets and, once treated, most dogs make a full recovery when it is caught early.

If you are concerned your dog has picked up or could be at risk of picking up lungworm, make sure you speak to a vet as soon as possible.


Owners are also advised to not leave their pets toys out in the garden overnight, to clear up their dog's poo as often as possible and regularly clean water bowls - especially if they're left outside.

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What are the symptoms of lungworm?

Lungworm infections can make themselves known via a number of symptoms, including:

  • Breathing problems and coughing
  • General sickness
  • Behavioural change
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Nose bleeds
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Lethargy
  • Seizures

PDSA senior vet Elaine Pendlebury advises: “It’s important to ensure your pets receive regular preventive worming treatment, including specific products for lungworm in affected areas, so they do not become ill.

"Your vet will able to advise what’s best for your dog and remember to clean up after your dog to help avoid spreading the parasite.


“If an owner suspects that their dog could be infected, they should take their pet along to see their vet as soon as possible, as early treatment is always best."

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