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‘Chinning’ is the new social media pose that is the antithesis to perfectly posed selfies

Forget pouting and posing for selfies, this girl is fighting back against social media's ridiculous and unobtainable beauty standards by photographing herself from the most unflattering angle out there

INSTAGRAM has become a constant stream of gluten-free meals, perfect looking girls and celebs plugging teeth whitening products - but all that could change if a new trend catches on.

'Chinning' is the brainchild of Michelle Liu whose Instagram account  features her in front of a series of stunning and iconic landmarks... showing off ALL her chins.

The 21-year-old is from Boston, but she is determined to 'chin' around the world.

Her Instagram bio reads "I haven't chinned everywhere, but it's on my list."

So far she has chinned in Poland, China, London and Paris.

Along with each of the fun photos, she throws in a clever pun about her location.

When she visited the UK, she posted a picture of herself outside the Houses of Parliament.

She added: "Fun fact: One of the most lavish rooms in the Palace of Westchinster is the Chining Chamber where the rarest chinfie paintings are preserved."

A trip to Prague came with the joke, "This place should be on everyone's czechlist".

With nearly 16,000 followers, Michelle's attempts to get the internet to take itself less seriously is definitely gaining momentum.

Last week an Instagram star accidentally live-streamed herself having sex with her boyfriend - and the couple didn't realise until 3.9 million followers had heard over three minutes of their romp.

And this white teen is claiming to be black, making her one of Instagram's most loathed 'stars'.
