This is the most popular time of the week for Brits to have sex… and it may surprise you
More than 2,000 people revealed their sexual preferences for the survey
THE most popular time of the week to have sex has been revealed, and it may surprise you.
If you were still fast asleep at 9am this morning, you were missing out on the friskiest time of the week - according to Superdrug's survey of 2,000 Brits.
The top 10
- Sunday at 9am
- Saturday at 10.30pm
- Saturday at 11.30pm
- Friday at 10.30pm
- Saturday at 10.30am
- Saturday at 11.30am
- Friday at 10.30pm
- Saturday at 11.15pm
- Saturday at 9.30pm
- Sunday at 9.30pm
That's right, forget breakfast, looking after the kids or having a lie-in, 9am is the time you should be getting some action, according to the research.
Superdrug asked people for their top 10 times to get it on, and weekends were a clear winner.
Friday and Saturday nights, as well as Saturday mornings, also scored highly on the list.
While us Brits clearly aren't fans of office romps, with weekdays during work hours ranking as the least popular hours for sex.
The times no one fancies sex
- Monday at 4.45pm
- Monday at 3pm
- Tuesday at 5.30pm
- Tuesday at 9pm
- Thursday at 8am
- Thursday at 1.30pm
- Monday at 8am
- Wednesday at 7.30am
- Friday at 5pm
- Saturday at 5pm
Mondays were a clear loser in the sexual stakes, which is hardly surprising.
But do you agree Sunday mornings should take the top spot?
We recently revealed British wives are among the "least up for sex" with their men in Europe.
While this quick test reveals if you suffer from erectile dysfunction.
And this is how many how many hours of weekend kip you need to catch up on sleep lost during the week.