Do you know your aubergine from your camel? Take our fun emoji sexting quiz to find out
Do you know what these 16 seemingly innocent phrases really mean? It's time to take our cheeky test
LET'S talk sexting. When it comes to emojis, there are three key food groups - the aubergine, the taco and the peach.
The aubergine's a penis, the taco a vagina and the peach a woman's butt. Keeping up?
As you're probably aware, your emoji keyboard is full of hand gestures - which the innocent among us will use to wave hello, give someone a round of applause or say 'OK' scuba diver style.
But add a couple of other symbols, and the conversation could suddenly take a cheekier turn (cue peach emoji).
So are you keeping up with the 2018 sexting lingo?
Take our fun quiz to find out - just click on the pictures to reveal the raunchy subtext...
In more frisky news, this is the most popular time of the week for Brits to have sex… and it may surprise you.
While there's a new self-care trend in town, and it involves drinking wine in your undies.
And the new Love Island stars have shocked by talking about 'squirting' in an outrageous new video.