What day is New Year’s Day 2019, is January 1 a bank holiday and how can you say happy new year in different languages?
GET your resolutions ready and, in many cases, prepare for an almighty hangover - New Year's Day is here.
Here's everything you need to know about the worldwide celebrations to kickstart 2018.
What day is New Year's Day 2019 and is January 1 a bank holiday?
This year New Year's Day falls on Tuesday, January 1.
It is celebrated the night before with drinks, parties and fireworks across 24 different time zones.
Samoa, Tonga and Kiritimati, part of the 33 Kiribati islands in the Pacific Ocean Polynesian Traingle, were the first places to welcome the new year at 10am UK time on New Year's Eve.
American Samoa and Baker Island in the United States of America are among the last to mark the end of the 12-months of the year.
January 1 is a bank holiday for UK residents.
How do you say happy new year in different languages?
Here's how to say Happy New Year in 16 languages:
Welsh – Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Chinese Mandarin – Xin Nian Kuai Le – (pronounced sheen nian kwai luh)
Chinese Cantonese – San Nin Fai Lok – (pronounced san knee fy lock)
Czech – Sťastný nový rok
Danish – Godt nytår
Dutch – Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Finnish – Hyvää uutta vuotta
French Bonne année
German – Frohes neues Jahr
Italian – Felice anno nuovo
Japanese (pre-midnight) – 良いお年を – Yoi otoshi o
Japanese (after midnight) – 明けましておめでとうございます – Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu
Norwegian – Godt nytt år
Polish – Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese – Feliz Ano Novo
Russian – S novym godom
Spanish – Feliz año nuevo
Swedish – Gott nytt år