GPs can only help so much - they can prescribe you meds to deal with constipation and diarrhoea, but there's only so much they can do for swollen bellies.
But there are a few simple lifestyle hacks you can use to reduce the bloat.
1. Stop chewing gum
Chewing gum is awesome for making your breath smell fresh and for occupying your mouth between meals.
nutritional director, Rick Hay.
Chowing down on the Wrigley's can lead to an overproduction of stomach acid.
"When you chew it sends a signal to the stomach to expect food and the digestive juices get going, but then there’s nothing to digest. It’s like turning on a tap but there’s nothing to switch it off, which has a negative effect on our gut bacteria," Rick said.
And chewing gum can also lead to you swallowing a load of excess air, which also adds to the bloating and IBS symptoms.
says that if you're brushing properly, you shouldn't need to use mouthwash at all.
And unless you've been prescribed one by your dentist, the ones you buy in supermarkets can't actually treat any mouth or teeth problems, or improve bad breath. They just mask the smell.