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How toothache can mask tummy trouble and a bad back can make your foot hurt

FROM back twinges to knee strain, most of us can name one painful body niggle that never seems to go away.

But the reason might be because you are focusing on fixing the wrong thing.

 Toothache may be caused by problems in another part of your body
Toothache may be caused by problems in another part of your bodyCredit: Getty - Contributor

Often when we have an injury or pain, the real issue is above or below the sore area.

The ache we feel is referred, and could be stemming from somewhere else.

Expert physiotherapist Fiona Troup advises how to play pain detective to identify the real causes of some everyday aches – and gives tips to stop them from ­recurring.



THE way our feet strike the ground has an impact on how force is directed elsewhere in the body.

Foot issues that have a knock-on effect to the knees can include anything from stiff tootsies or ankles to issues with arches.

A common problem is when the foot rolls in excessively, causing the knee to revolve with it. Known as pronation, this often causes knee pain.

FIX IT: Do tip-toe raises daily coupled with regularly rolling soles over a tennis ball to ease tense muscles. Choose shoes ­carefully to ensure good foot posture.

 There is a less obvious reason for your sore shoulder
There is a less obvious reason for your sore shoulderCredit: Getty - Contributor

Shoulder pain


POOR spinal posture brings the shoulders forward, giving an increased risk of niggling pain in this area.

For shoulders to move freely we need good mobility in the upper back (known as the thoracic spine).

Slouch forward and try to raise your arm. As you get to the top of the range you may feel a shoulder twinge.

FIX IT: Rest for five minutes a day on a towel rolled up lengthways, placed between your shoulder blades, head on a pillow. This will help to stretch and mobilises a stiff upper spine.

 Wrist pain could be down to something more serious
Wrist pain could be down to something more seriousCredit: Getty - Contributor

Wrist pain


CARPAL tunnel syndrome is when pressure on a nerve in your wrist causes tingling, numbness and pain in your hand, fingers and sometimes forearm.

If your wrist is sore, the culprit might be in your thyroid.

Hypo­thyroidism is where your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of the hormone thyroxine, which can cause pain and stiffness in the wrists, ­shoulders and hips.

FIX IT: Visit your GP. If you suspect joint pain could be down to thyroid issues, your doctor can send you for blood tests.



TOOTH and jaw pain doesn’t always mean a trip to the dentist – it may indicate a digestion problem.

Heartburn and acid reflux occur when stomach acid and digestive juices make their way back into the mouth, which can wear away tooth enamel and lead to decay.

In extreme cases, toothache and nausea can even be a sign of heart attack. If in doubt, seek emergency medical advice.

FIX IT: Over-the-counter antacids will reduce mild cases of acid reflux, but long-term, consider diet and lifestyle changes, such as reducing fatty foods.

 Your back could be causing foot pain
Your back could be causing foot painCredit: Getty - Contributor

Foot pain


ACHES at the bottom of your body can be a sign of an issue that has nothing to do with the foot or the leg at all. In fact, it may originate from a problem in the lower back.

If a nerve in the lumbar area is compressed it can cause pain to radiate down the body from the sciatic nerve and into the foot. This may feel like stabbing, numbness or pins and needles in your soles.

FIX IT: Ease symptoms by ­holding soothing heat packs, such as a hot water bottle, to your lower back. Anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as ibuprofen, may also offer relief.

Thigh strain


RECURRENT hamstring, inner-thigh or groin strains can all occur as a result of poor stability around the pelvis.

Pelvic stability is vital to allow correct movement throughout the body without problems happening elsewhere.

If the muscles stabilising this area, such as your core and glutes, are weak, subsequent injuries and strains may occur.

FIX IT: Activate bum muscles with squats to help stabilise the pelvis. Try to do them every day, when you are brushing your teeth could be a good time.

 Neck problems could be caused by breathing inefficiently
Neck problems could be caused by breathing inefficientlyCredit: Getty - Contributor

Neck pain


INEFFICIENT breathing can have a huge impact elsewhere.

Breathing through your mouth with a shallow upper-chest means the body is relying on neck and shoulder ­muscles rather than utilising the ­diaphragm, the primary breathing muscle.

This can lead to neck aches and stiffness.

FIX IT: Sit with hand on your upper chest and the other on your diaphragm.

Breathe quietly through the nose ten times per minute using the diaphragm, staying relaxed. Build up to 15 minutes to help ­correct bad habits.




THERE are many types of headaches with different causes but, if medical ­reasons have been eliminated by your GP, the neck is a common contributor.

Using smartphones and hours spent at desks or driving lead to a forward-head posture.

This places excessive load on the upper-neck vertebrae.

It can then be felt as a headache.

FIX IT: Lie on your back with a small towel under your head and gently nod your chin, holding for ten seconds.

This will activate deep neck stabilisers for better upright posture. Repeat ten times.

From headaches to period pains – here’s which painkillers you should be taking