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Bizarre engagement ring is mocked on social media for looking like ‘festering boils’ and ‘genital warts’

A QUIRKY engagement ring has been mercilessly mocked by social media users.

The giant sparkler was compared to infected growths and a hernia when it was posted to Facebook group this week.

 A quirky gold engagement ring has been mocked on Facebook
A quirky gold engagement ring has been mocked on FacebookCredit: Facebook

The piece consists of a pile of gold lumps, which appear to have been almost deliberately placed to look as though they're bulging out of the chunky band.

Each ball has a hole at the top, with pink, purple and pearl gems inserted into them.

To add to the uneven look, the coating has a foil finish.

The person who found the jewel was clearly lost for words - when snaps of it were posted to the group, their caption simply read: "Um."

 It makes quite a statement on the wearer's finger
It makes quite a statement on the wearer's fingerCredit: Facebook

The post sparked quite a reaction from other Facebook users, quickly racking up hundreds of comments.

And unfortunately for the designer, people weren't particularly kind about the bling.

One group member wrote: "Looks like a cluster of genital warts."

Others said: "Festering boils is what comes to mind," "Kill it before it lays eggs,"; and: "Mmmm bubonic plague style."

Another added: "What in crustacean is this?? It looks like it belongs under the sea [sic]."

 The piece has proved very unpopular on Facebook
The piece has proved very unpopular on FacebookCredit: Facebook

Some commenters said they were struggling to even look at the piece, with messages including: "That thing needs a trigger warning," and: "I can barely look at it."

Quite a few said they were reminded of unpleasant bodily functions.

"I love this genital herpes aesthetic," and: "It looks like an infection," read two messages.

Others shared: "I want to pop those pimples on that ring," and: "Why does it look like a bunch of blisters that are busted?"

Shockingly, the original poster later added: "Wait till y'all hear it costs almost 5K [sic]."

We're not sure how many people will be coughing up.

Meanwhile, a bride has split opinion after asking if her low-cut wedding dress is too revealing - with some labelling it ";inappropriate".

When this mum showed off a birthstone ring for her kids, people joked the big toe looks "infected" because of an awkwardly-placed pearl.

And a bride-to-be's QVC heart-shaped engagement ring has been cruelly slammed by people who say it "made their eyes bleed".

H.Samuel is selling Disney​'s​ Frozen, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast​ ​engagement rings