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The 5 warning signs on your tongue you should NEVER ignore

We use them for chewing, swallowing and speaking, but what are the warning signs on your tongue that you should never ignore?

We've all had that awful moment where we have bitten our tongue or have consumed something too hot for our mouth's to handle.

Your tongue is the key to chewing, swallowing and speaking, but there are some signs on your tongue that you should never ignore
Your tongue is the key to chewing, swallowing and speaking, but there are some signs on your tongue that you should never ignoreCredit: Getty

This can leave our tongue sore, but it will usually go away within a few days and is nothing to worry about.

But there are other tongue issues that could be cause for concern.

1. Lumps and bumps

Warning signs on the tongue, well certainly lumps and bumps on the tongue are something to be looked at, Dr Ross Perry of skin clinics chain told The Sun.

He explained: "Unusual lumps and bumps anywhere inside the mouth should really be checked by your dentist or GP.

"Any bleeding ulcers or ulcerations that don't heal, particularly inside the gum, and even small ulcers that are persistent.

"Sometimes if they are persistent i.e. lasting for months and months then certainly those need to be looked at."

He added that anything going down to the neck area such as abnormalities, lumps and bumps around the jaw area can often be associated with infections in the gum and around the mouth area and should be checked out. 

2. Burning tongue

If you experience a burning sensation on your tongue it would usually be due to drinking or eating something too hot, or an irritation from a mouthwash or toothpaste, Dr Perry says.

"If neither traumas have occurred then it could be down to a slightly rare condition called Burning Tongue Syndrome which should be checked out by your GP", he explained. 

3. Itchy tongue

Most of us associate thrush with our privates, by Dr Perry said that this is a condition that could also be noticed in the tongue.

He added: "If you experience an itchy tongue and have white patches then this could be from oral thrush and would need to be treated.

"White patches can also be a sign of other health conditions and if it continues, should be checked out by a GP for treatment and cause of the issue."

4. White tongue

The NHS says that there are a number of reasons that your tongue could be white, or could have white patches on it.

Linchen planus can be one cause of your white patches on your tongue and is a rash that affects different parts of your body and the NHS says you should see your GP if you think you have this condition.

If you have severe lichen planus then you might need steroids or a special kind of light therapy.

It can last for several years and mouthwashes and sprays from a GP can help ease the symptoms that come with it.

Dr Perry said that white tongue can also occur with some medications and burning can sometimes mean low iron or a B12 deficiency.

5. Red and white patches

If you have white patches on your tongue, on the side of your mouth or on the roof or floor of your mouth then you might be suffering with leukoplakia.

This can be dangerous as if you have leukoplakia, then there's a small risk it could progress to mouth cancer over time, the NHS says.

Guidance states that treatment for leukoplakia is not always needed, but you'll have regular check-ups to make sure the patch is not getting bigger.


You can make the patches smaller by stopping smoking and cutting down on the amount of booze you consume.

The patches aren't usually painful and will likely be an irregular shape, but cannot be rubbed or scraped away.

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