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Weight loss concerns to fertility issues, Dr Zoe answers your health queries

I GET lots of questions from readers about losing weight. 

It's a battle for so many people, and weight is very complex - did you know there are over a hundred different causes of high body weight and obesity? 

From weight loss concerns to fertility issues, Dr Zoe answers your health queries
From weight loss concerns to fertility issues, Dr Zoe answers your health queriesCredit: Olivia West

While obesity can increase the risk of various cancers, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses, it's important to know that it's not all about weight. 

Luckily, there are many other changes that we can make in our lives that will improve our health and wellbeing. 

Recently I worked on the  campaign, check it out!

Here I respond to some of your concerns, including weight.


Q: I AM struggling to lose weight. It’s taken me nine months to lose 15lb. What can I do?

A: Losing weight is not easy, so well done for losing more than a stone so far.

We often see examples of rapid weight loss in the media. But keeping the weight off long-term is the real challenge.

Losing weight more gradually, by making sustainable changes, is a more sensible approach.

Ask yourself over what timeframe you gained the extra weight in the first place.

Often the answer will be many years.

So if it takes many months or even years to gradually reduce your weight – and you’re having sustained success in doing so – that is fantastic.

You should be proud of yourself.

Also, there are many ways to improve our health beyond losing weight.

People who are struggling should not feel disheartened.

Sometimes taking the focus off weight for a while, focusing on other ways to improve our health and happiness, is the right thing to do.

This can include being more active, not for weight loss but because it makes you feel good and has many health benefits; and improving the nutritional value of the food you eat, focusing on including lots of healthy, nourishing foods.

Taking steps to reduce stress levels, improve sleep and have better relationships can also help you feel better.

Q: I’M 34 and live with my boyfriend.

My periods have been irregular for years and now I’ve been told I have premature ovarian failure and symptoms of menopause.

We want a baby so what should I do? I’m tired and down.

A: Premature ovarian failure is when a woman’s ovaries stop working normally before the age of 40.

This is also called early menopause and is thought to affect one in 100 women.

It is important to diagnose this condition properly and get it treated. If a woman has menopausal symptoms – including no or infrequent periods – and is under the age of 40, premature ovarian failure should be suspected.

It should be tested for with two separate blood tests to check the level of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

If FSH is elevated in both, this allows a diagnosis to be made of premature ovarian failure.

It is a condition that requires treatment with hormone replacement therapy, both to control menopausal symptoms and to reduce the risk of later health consequences, including osteoporosis and heart disease.

Sometimes the combined contraceptive pill can be used to replace the hormones, if the woman prefers.

Typically, menopause ends a woman’s ability to get pregnant naturally.

There are other ways to have a baby, including using IVF with donated eggs from another woman and using your own eggs if you had some stored.

Surrogacy and adoption are further options.

Q: COULD the condition diverticulitis later develop into cancer?

A: A diverticulum is a small out-pouch from the wall of the gut that can develop on any part of the gut but most often on the left side of the large bowel (colon).

They tend to be multiple and this is called diverticulosis.

If they cause symptoms, this is known as diverticular disease.

And if there is an episode where they become infected or inflamed, this is called diverticulitis.

It tends to cause severe abdominal pain, often with fever and/or changes to bowel habit.

It’s important to explain all of that because the answer to your question is not straightforward.

Read More on The Sun

There is no evidence to strongly support that diverticulosis, or diverticular disease, increases the risk of colon cancer in the long term.


However, studies have found there is an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer for a period of time following an episode of acute diverticulitis.
