Doctors discover shocking item stuck in man’s bowels after three-day constipation

AN IRANIAN man who was taken to hospital with constipation by his wife was holding a secret about the true cause.

Doctors described how they removed a huge foreign object from his rectum that had been there for three days.

Doctors discover the cause of a man's three-day constipation (pictured, the CT scan)Credit: Clinical Case Reports

The 50-year-old unnamed man was brought into hospital by his wife after she grew concerned about his lack of appetite, stomach pain and constipation.

He didn’t have any concerning vital signs and was not unwell.

But after having a CT scan, the shocking truth came out.

It showed a full bottle of water around the size of 250ml stuck in the pelvis area.


The bottom was lodged in the rectum and even entering the colon (large intestines), while the bottle top was about 10mm from the anus opening.

The doctors wrote: “Because of his embarrassment and fear of his wife, he did not provide any history of the presence of a FB [foreign object] in the rectum and arrived at the ED [emergency department] late.”

Clearly, the wife had not been involved in the middle-aged man's ventures.

Luckily, there were no signs the man’s bowels had been stabbed open by the bottle.


The patient was taken straight into surgery where he was given anaesthesia to relieve the pain.

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Then, the bottle was “carefully and slowly dragged from the rectum to the opening of the anus... by the surgeon without rupture or bleeding”.

After the man spent five days in a hospital ward, there was still no sign of internal damage, and he was discharged.

He was referred to a psychiatric clinic, according to the paper in , as he was noted as having depression.


Experts said most of the time, foreign objects are inserted into the anus for sexual gratification.

They are normally smooth, rounded or egg-shaped to make removing it easier.

But “, including bulbs, bottles, billy clubs, impulse body spray cans, and turkey basters” have been retrieved by doctors. 

The most commonly described are “plastic or glass bottles, cucumbers, light bulbs, as well as tube lights, axe handles, broomsticks, carrots, wooden, or rubber instruments”.
