I’m a hair transplant surgeon – here’s how to slow down and even stop hair loss before it’s a problem

OUR crown and glory is precious, however there are many factors that can play a part in destroying our hair, causing it to fall out.

It is normal to lose hair every day - according to the NHS, we can lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. 

Hair loss can happen for all sorts of reasons, but there are steps you can take to control and slow itCredit: Getty

But, it can be worrying and upsetting when so much hair loss occurs that bald patches appear, hair becomes noticeably thinner, or clumps of hair fall out in one go.

Anabel Kingsley, consultant trichologist at says there are many types of hair loss, but some is genetically predetermined.

The most common types of hair loss she sees in her clinic are due to hair shedding and breakage: “Hair shedding is usually triggered by an internal disturbance to the body such as, but not limited to, illness, stress, postpartum or nutritional changes and/or deficiencies. 

“The shedding occurs usually six to 12 weeks after the event that triggered it, so it is always important to look back to pinpoint the reason. 


“Although it can be extremely distressing, rest assured the hair will almost certainly grow back once the underlying issue has been resolved.”

She adds that breakage often occurs from dryness or damaged hair, which causes hair to become weak and brittle. 

“Breakage from dryness occurs due to moisture depletion. When the hair cuticle layer is compromised through chemical or mechanical processing it makes hair porous, meaning moisture is able to escape more easily. 

“A healthy hair will be elastic, but a dry hair will become brittle and snap.”


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Hair loss can occur in men and women,but there are some differences in how. 

Anabel explains: “The most significant difference between genders is the pattern. 

“In females this usually presents itself as a progressively wider parting which spreads across the top scalp area. 

“In men it is most noticeable from a receding hairline around the temple area and the crown.”
