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From chewing gum to eating too much veg – 9 ‘healthy’ habits that could be doing MORE harm than good

THOUGHT you lived a relatively healthy life? 

It turns out there are several habits many of us think are doing us the world of good, when in fact they could actually be getting in the way of you staying healthy.

Thought you were making a healthy choice? It can be tough discerning what is and isn't healthy
Thought you were making a healthy choice? It can be tough discerning what is and isn't healthyCredit: Getty

These experts share the common mistakes that many of us may be making…

1. Eating too many high-histamine foods

You may only know of the word ‘histamine’ from packets of antihistamines, often taken during allergy season. 

Hannah Braye, Nutritionist at, says histamine, a chemical made in the body, plays an ‘important role in modulating the immune system and regulating allergic and inflammatory reactions’. 

She says: “Production, storage, release and the breakdown of histamine are tightly controlled by the body. 

Read more on healthy living

“However, if the body’s control mechanisms become disrupted, this can lead to histamine intolerance (HIT) in some individuals.”

Here, histamine levels exceed the body’s ability to break it down. 

This can lead to symptoms such as diarrhoea, stomach cramps, painful periods, hay fever, difficulties breathing, hives, flushing, itching, blood pressure issues and headaches, to name just a selection.

Although histamine can be created by internal processes, external foods and drinks as well as medications can also contribute to histamine production. 

This can in turn lead to more histamine entering our circulation. 

Hannah says foods high in histamine include fish, if not freshly caught or frozen, sausages, dry-cured meats, processed cheese, any fermented food such as sauerkraut, tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, avocado, vinegar, yeast extract, soy sauce and alcoholic drinks. 

For most people who do not suffer from histamine intolerance, there is no reason to exclude these foods from your diet. 

However, for those with histamine intolerance, consuming high amounts of healthy high histamine foods could be contributing to symptoms. 

Think histamine may be a problem for you?

Hannah recommends implementing a low histamine diet for a short period of time, before reintroducing foods to test tolerance. 

2. Taking too many supplements

Supplements can be great alongside a healthy diet, however, David Wiener, Training and Nutrition Specialist at , says there is a fine line between taking enough supplements, and taking too many supplements. 

“For example, if you are taking too much vitamin C, this could result in you feeling sick, stomach cramps, or digestive problems. 

“Our bodies can only use as much as they need and when you are taking more than this, they are then stored and may cause adverse effects.”

Stick to the recommended amounts labelled on supplements, packets and jars, and if you notice odd symptoms, book an appointment with your GP. 

3. Eating TOO many vegetables

According to the NHS, an estimated 13 million Brits suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Although a diet rich in fibre-filled fruit and veg (government guidelines recommended that we eat at least 30g of fibre each day) is vital for our overall health, too much of certain types of fibre can negatively impact sufferers. 

Andrea Burton, Technical Advisor at Bio-Kult, says a high percentage of IBS sufferers do appear to get an increase in symptoms like bloating, gas, cramps, constipation and diarrhoea after eating vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli: “This could be due to the amount and type of fibre and sugar in the veggies. 

“For example, with raw vegetables, your digestive system may not break down all the fibre effectively which may then irritate the digestive tract as it passes through.”

Andrea adds: “FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols) is the collective abbreviation for a group of fermentable, short-chain carbohydrates. 

“These are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, and so provide easily available food for bowel bacteria to ferment. 

“For example, mushrooms, celery, cauliflower, onions and sugar snap peas are high-FODMAP foods that can trigger symptoms.”

You might want to consider a short-term low FODMAP diet. 

After six weeks, reintroduce each of the FODMAP groups one at a time, “in order to ascertain which foods are causing IBS symptoms”.

“Eventually people will know what they can tolerate and what they cannot and can tailor a personalised diet accordingly,” says Andrea.

Unsure on FODMAP foods? Check out this useful list . 

Regardless of IBS, Andrea says if you do increase your vegetable intake over a short period, it’s best to do it gradually or you could end up suffering the unpleasant side effects of digestive distress.

4. Drinking only bottled water

Most of us know the negative impact plastic water bottles have on the environment. 

But, the human body itself may actually experience negative effects from drinking bottled water.

Andrea says: “A lot of manufacturers have now removed the harmful BPA chemicals from bottles and proudly mention BPA-free on their bottles – but not all. 

“And BPA is a weak synthetic oestrogen that can have negative and detrimental impacts on our body’s hormonal systems.”

Andrea adds that unless the label states the water is from a particular special spring or is filtered somehow, the water in the bottle could be just the same, or perhaps worse, than drinking ordinary tap water. 

“Considering bottled water may not be as pure, or as safe, as many people think, it may be best to filter your tap water at home and make up your own bottles to take out with you.”

Try adding cucumber, mint, berries or your favourite fruit to give water a lovely, fresh taste too. 

5. Cutting out all fatty foods 

Fatty foods aren’t necessarily the devil despite previous guidelines that have suggested limiting fats.

Although fats do contain over twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins, healthy types of fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados and olive oil can support good health. 

Andrea explains that fats have many important roles in the body. 

Not only do they provide a readily available and storable source of energy, they also support healthy cells and hormones. 

She says: “In addition, they are required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K) and other food components. 

“Therefore, consuming a very low-fat diet for prolonged periods could lead to unintended consequences, especially if fats are replaced with refined carbohydrates,” says Andrea. 

“It’s recommended to reduce processed foods (a source of unhealthy trans-fats, as well as simple carbohydrates and sugars), and instead focus on eating a balance of natural whole foods. 

“Including healthy sources of fat from oily fish (salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring), nuts, seeds, avocados and olive oil.”

6. Over-brushing teeth

We know it’s incredibly important to brush our teeth, morning and night, and generally stay on top of our oral hygiene, but you certainly can have too much of a good thing. 

Liz Cooper, Nutritional Therapist at Bio-Kult, says tooth brushing at any time is abrasive to the teeth, so brushing them too much or too rigorously can be damaging. 

Plus, despite often being told to brush teeth straight after a meal, Liz explains that the research says otherwise. 

“Brushing our teeth immediately after eating, especially if we’ve eaten acidic food such as soft drinks, refined grains, citrus fruits and tomato products, can soften the enamel on our teeth, weakening them, making them more susceptible to acidic substances and ultimately leading to tooth tissue loss.”

Liz recommended waiting 30 to 60 minutes after a meal before brushing so that the oral pH is able to return to normal levels. 

7. Over-using hand sanitiser

Covid-19 led to many of us carrying hand sanitiser, with offices, shops and stations now offering hand sanitiser to use as and when you need.

But over-using hand sanitiser can cause an imbalance in our skin’s microbiome, which is an integral part of our immune system.

Liz explains there are studies which have raised concerns about the impact of hand sanitiser on skin health: “These impacts include irritation and peeling of the skin by the alcohol and other harsh chemicals in the sanitiser, thinning of skin, which can increase the risk of penetration of UV rays, allergic reactions and ironically, an increased susceptibility to germs due to the negative impact on the skin’s immunity.”

While hand sanitisers can still be used in moderation, Liz says using hand sanitisers that are kinder to our skin, such as those that contain natural antimicrobials like essential oils, could give us the protection we’re looking for, while keeping our skin healthy too. 

8. Exercising too much 

Working out too much can be counterproductive and may be harmful to your health,” explains David.

“Overdoing it or pushing too hard too quickly, especially if you are a beginner, can lead to doing more harm than good. 

“As with any exercise, it’s important to listen to your body and incorporate rest days into your training regime, as well as making sure you’re getting enough sleep to help aid recovery.”

He adds that mentally, over exercising can affect your mood and energy levels, leading to irritation, anger and trouble sleeping

“Physically, over-exercising can increase risk of injury, joint pain, and muscle strain.”

New to exercise? Aim to work out every other day, with rest days in between.

9. Chewing gum

Although it’s great for freshening breath, David says that when you chew gum, you naturally swallow a lot of air which could make you feel bloated, and leave your stomach distended. 


“Chewing gum can also stimulate your digestive enzymes to expect food, which in turn can make you feel hungrier and end up causing you to overeat. 

“In addition, sugar-free gum often contains artificial sweeteners, which people can find tricky to digest and, as a result, can exacerbate gas and bloating.”
