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Pregnant woman stunned to find baby who looks just like a CAR in her ultrasound scan

This unusual ultrasound was uploaded to Reddit yesterday, where viewers were left baffled as to how a fetus could possibly resemble a car

THIS is the bizarre picture of a mum-to-be's ultrasound scan which makes it look as if she's going to give birth to a car.

This wheely odd picture was posted to Reddit yesterday by , who uploaded the strange snap with the caption: "My wife is pregnant with a sports car."

Would you look at FIAT... this is the odd ultrasound which looks like a car
Would you look at FIAT... this is the odd ultrasound which looks like a carCredit: Reddit

If the thought of having kids is enough to drive you round the bend, then imagine how revved-up you'd get if you thought you were going to become a mum to a Mercedes or a dad to a Cadillac.

And this strange sonogram does seem to show a car-shaped baby in one woman's womb, with viewers left seriously perplexed as to how a baby could possibly resemble a car in an ultrasound scan.

The picture attracted thousands of points on Reddit, with users delightedly taking to the comment section to share their perspective on the bizarre scan.

One joked that this was a case of "The Fast and the Fetus", whilst another chipped in to suggest that she's "been spending to much time with the Transformers."

Another said: "Perfect for that midlife crisis", prompting someone else to respond with: "Midwife crisis".

And the relentless puns continued from there, with a third user joking: "Midwife Chrysler".

This isn't even the first time we've been left stunned by an unusual ultrasound scan.

What should have been a heart-warming experience for expectant parents turned into a chilling moment as a bizarre demon-shaped figure was found lurking in this ultrasound image.

Does this ultrasound show a 'demon' lurking in the womb?
Does this ultrasound show a 'demon' lurking in the womb?Credit: Imgur

The spooky snap went viral earlier this year after being posted on Imgur under the headline: "A friend’s ultrasound. When you see it ..."

Viewers were divided by the sinister scan, with some suggesting that the picture shows a "mermaid" or a "Hundu goddess."
