Can brew be-leaf it!

Is tea slowly poisoning Britain? The damage your cuppas could be doing to your body

Seven dangerous side-effects of drinking tea that you probably had no idea about

WE'RE always being warned about the dangers of certain things we ingest.

However, few of us would ever consider we're doing ourselves much harm with our daily cups of tea.


But it turns out our favourite brewed leaves could be doing us a fair bit of damage.

Here are seven dangerous side-effects of drinking tea you may not be aware of (though it should be stressed it really only applies to those who consume it excessively)...

Caffeine Overdose

Tea doesn't seem as scary and unhealthy as coffee but it still contains large amounts of caffeineCredit: Getty Images

Just because tea doesn’t contain as much caffeine as coffee doesn’t mean that it is harmless.

Too much tea leads to a too large intake of caffeine, which can result in difficulty sleeping, increased heart-rate, depression, anxiety and panic attack.
