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December 22 – January 20
You have a more realistic attitude towards relationships and see that love sometimes means letting someone say sorry then moving on – together.
If you’re single, think about that person you enjoyed talking to and you will see love potential.
With your input, dreams of a family reunion could be a reality.
January 21 – February 18
You may not usually like talking about money but, today, you can do this effectively.
You can also make cash decisions that give you peace of mind.
The moon makes even the longest-lasting partnership feel new.
Single? Someone who tells outrageous jokes but cares about the world could be your dream date.
February 20 – March 20
So many romantic promises can be made and kept, starting today.
But they have to happen in their own time, so being patient is a smart strategy.
Work-wise, Mars climbs to the top of your chart, so act fast when an unexpected work opportunity opens up.
Luck calls your name in an Australian accent.