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This one incredibly common mistake is actually RUINING your mascara

Pumping the applicator wand in and out of the tube can massively shorten the life of your product and make it work less effectively

IT'S a make-up bag staple that many of us refuse to leave the house without.

But many of us are ruining our mascara with this one incredibly common mistake.

 Many of us are ruining our mascaras with this one common mistake
Many of us are ruining our mascaras with this one common mistakeCredit: Getty Images

It's a popular misconception that pumping the wand in and out of the tube is a good way of getting more product onto the brush.

Truth is, you're actually reducing the life of your mascara and making it less effective in doing so.

According to Marlena Stell, founder and CEO of : "This pushes air into the tube, which will make the mascara dry out faster, causing clumping and flaking."

 Pumping the wand in and out of the tube can reduce the life of your mascara
Pumping the wand in and out of the tube can reduce the life of your mascaraCredit: Alamy

Instead, Marlena recommends gently twisting the wand back and forth or in circular motions to pick up the desired amount of product.

Don't overdo it though - too much product can result in your lashes clumping up and becoming very spidery.

Earlier this week we reported the eight common mistakes people make when applying and removing mascara.

 Too much product can result in your lashes clumping up and becoming very spidery
Too much product can result in your lashes clumping up and becoming very spideryCredit: Getty Images

These included applying to the top lashes first, not wiping off excess product, using mascaras more than six months old and curling them AFTER putting on mascara rather than before.
