Sleeve it out!

Now That I’m A Ghost I’m Gay…and 11 others of the worst self-published book covers

Hilarious website Lousy Book Covers demonstrates perfectly why you shouldn't design your own book cover - even if you do have the option

A FUNNY website called Lousy Book Covers has gathered up 11 of the worst self-published book fronts ever which demonstrate why you shouldn't design your own.

Ranging from images that look like they've been drawn by children to offensive cartoons - these covers are almost reasons NOT to buy the book.


1. It’s a well known fact that death can prompt a switch in sexual orientation

2. Even though she failed her art GCSE, that didn’t stop Iona reaching for the brushes

3. Dracula seems to have morphed into a killer ape

4. You see what he did there with the open prison door?

5. When an alien impostor stepped into kinky Christian’s shoes

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6. Because everyone with a freezer keeps a buff bloke in there

7. Good god…

8. It’s obviously common for lumberjacks to be wielding axes in a sinister fashion when hugging their loved-ones

9. That girl isn’t even fat… and she clearly exercises

10. More like outer beauty from this cover

11. Must be annoying every time he walks by fridge doors and anything else magnetic

12. What happened when he went to phwoar
