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You couldn't make it up!

Hardly any women know what this symbol on their make-up means – and it’s REALLY important

If you don't take note, you could be damaging your skin and causing acne

EVER noticed this little symbol on your favourite cosmetics products? It turns out that it reveals an important piece of information.

The symbol, followed by a number and the letter M, shows how long you should keep your make-up item for.

 This expiry date indicates that the concealer should only be kept for a year
 This expiry date indicates that the concealer should only be kept for a year

We’ve all been guilty of hoarding make-up for years, but this can cause significant damage to the skin.

But from the date you open your product, you should keep tabs on how many months its been in use.

If you keep using cosmetics past their expiry date, it can be damaging to your skin, cause acne or give you a bacterial infection.

 Similarly, the properties of this moisturiser are only at their most effective in the first year of use
Similarly, the properties of this moisturiser are only at their most effective in the first year of use
 This lip product can be applied for a year before it passes its use-by date
This lip product can be applied for a year before it passes its use-by date

Products with SPF in may also become completely ineffective, failing to protect you from the sun.

Keeping mascaras and eyeliners past their prime can also be hazardous, as they come into contact with your eyes and can cause sensitivity or infection.

To work out how long you’ve had an item, check the number before the M to see how many months you’re allowed to keep it.

Why should you discard old make-up?

- A recent study by the London Metropolitan University revealed that old cosmetics contain unsafe levels of potentially lethal bacteria.
- Worryingly, researchers found that the old products could contain enterococcus faecalis, one of the main causes of meningitus and other infectious diseases
- Other bugs uncovered in the expired make-up items included Aeromonas, which causes gastroenteritis and Eubacterium, which can trigger bacterial vaginosis
- Cosmetics that are past their sell-by date are at risk of ruin from yeast, fungal and bacterial growth
- Applying contaminated makeup to the skin could cause blemishes, rashes or painful infections

 Foundation is another base product that should be used for 12 months after opening
Foundation is another base product that should be used for 12 months after opening
 Powdered products, like this bronzer, usually last for the longest amount of time
Powdered products, like this bronzer, usually last for the longest amount of time
 It's important to regularly check and replace mascaras after 6 months to prevent an eye infection
It's important to regularly check and replace mascaras after 6 months to prevent an eye infection

Powdered products, such as blushers and bronzers, can usually be used for two years.

With lipsticks and lipgloss, expiry is usually a year after the date of opening.

Similarly, base products including foundation and concealer should be replaced after 12 months.

Mascaras last the least amount of time, as they can only be kept for six months.

Forgotten when you purchased the product? This simple hack may save you.

Next time you open up some new makeup, use a marker or some tipex to write on the date.

 Marking your items after purchase should help work out how long you have owned them for
Marking your items after purchase should help work out how long you have owned them for

Doing this, you won’t have to remember when you made the purchase.

Every six months, check the expiry date on your cosmetics and compare it to the date you’ve noted on.

You can then dispose of any items that are past their prime.
