This devious quiz will tell you how youthful your grey matter is… regardless of your physical age
Try not to get caught out by the trick questions
THE way you answer these questions can say a lot about how your mind works - including how youthful your brain is, whatever your physical age.
A new Playbuzz quiz, created by Hazel Motes, put challengers through a series of tricky tasks.
Although the questions may seem simple at first, it's easy to get caught out by the way they're asked.
But are you smart enough to take on the challenge?
Did the test rank your mental age as older or younger?
The more youthful your brain is, the better you would have scored when answering the questions.
Some of the trick questions may have caught you out, resulting in the test telling you that you have an older brain.
One of the questions reads: "Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?"
By giving challengers different options, they may forget that Mt. Everest was the tallest and that when it was discovered is completely irrelevant.
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Another question that's been catching internet users out is number eight.
It asks: "If you were running a race and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?"
It's easy for your mind to jump to one place in front of second, which would put the runner in first.
Despite this, overtaking someone who is in the second position does not mean you have caught up with the runner who is winning the race.
It's not the first brain test to sweep the web this month.
A popular test told quizzers whether their brain was more logical or creative, while another revealed whether or not you think like a child.