Can you spot the Santa with a sack full of CASH instead of presents? Tricky brainteaser is baffling people

CAN you solve this infuriating brain teaser? This Christmassy head-scratcher is the toughest Santa will make you work this year to get on his nice list.

In this image there is one little Father Christmas holding a sack of cash rather than green wrapped up presents.

The Santa with all the Christmas cash is hiding awayCredit: Vouchercloud

The cash wielding Santa is not easy to spot as there are least another 160 identical looking Father Christmases all squashed together, tricking the eyes.

Social media users can't get enough of these optical illusions online, and this latest is created by .

Did you find Santa? If you have an eye for spotting cash, you'll see that the rich St. Nick is holding a wad of cash in the bottom right of the image.

There he is - on the bottom right hand side of the imageCredit: Vouchercloud

Earlier in the year, Facebookers were driven crazy by a photo that was hiding a missing mobile phone in a carpet.


Many thought the illusion was "impossible".


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The image of the floral carpet that conceals the device was shared a massive 15,000 times.

The phone, which is hard to spot due to its dark blue flowery case is just to the right of the table leg.

The phone is right by the right table legCredit: Facebook / Jeya May Cruz