This is why the heart emoji has been popping up on your Facebook page – and it’s nothing to do with Valentine’s Day
The red icon has a very serious message for women
IF you’ve seen a heart emoji popping up on your Facebook feed recently, you might be forgiven for thinking it’s got something to do with Valentine’s Day.
But it’s much more important than that.
Tens of thousands of women have shared the symbol with no explanation to their friends.
But in fact it is part of an online campaign to raise awareness about breast cancer.
The heart icon has been used before, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month every October.
The heart emoji is followed by a private message sent by the person who's posted it, which is meant as a reminder to women to check their breasts for lumps.
The idea is that these friends will then share the emoji and the private message, and spread the campaign further.
So now you know – when you see the heart on your Facebook it’s time to
If you want to know more, check out the Coppafeel campaign.
A breast cancer sufferer recently revealed a simple self-examination tip that could safe your life.
Signs to look for to detect breast cancer
Everyone’s breasts are different, and your breasts can change with age and at different times of the month. It’s important to get to know how your breasts normally look and feel so it will be easier to spot if there are any unusual changes for you. Here are the changes to check for:
- Lump: A lump may not be seen but can be felt. Is there a lumpy area, is it painful? Lumps can be either in part of the breast or in the armpit.
- Skin texture: Dimpling and puckering of the skin on the breast is a common sign. You should look for if there has been a change in skin texture or colour.
- Appearance or direction of the nipple: Nipples can become inverted.
- Nipple discharge: One or both nipples could have discharge. Discharge can be normal during the menstrual cycle, so it is important you are aware of what your discharge is like to spot any changes.
- Rash or crusting: Any rash or crusting around the nipple can be a sign.
Checking your breasts is as simple as TLC.
- Touch you breasts. Do they feel abnormal?
- Look for changes in shape and texture
- Check for anything unusual with your doctor
Source: Breast Cancer Now