Hilarious images of mad moggies show how cats can be a constant source for amusement
These hilarious Snapchat pictures prove why cats are often the star of the show
PET owners love nothing more than snapping pictures of their animals to post online.
And this hilarious gallery of Snapchat pictures show just why cats really are the star of the show.
They may be demonised by some for their aloof personalities and for having absolutely no qualms about their owner's personal space.
But whether it is being pushed along in a baby's pushchair or enjoying time on an iPad, moggies really can provide much amusement.
Seeing double
Cat burglar
Mad moggie
Cat in the hat
A real life fat cat
He's a little bit smaller than Simba...
Killer cat
Pet prank
An extra pair of paws
Scaredy cat
Cat trap
Animal actors
Hitching a lift
Want a cat fight?
Team work...
Top cat
Stroll in the park...
Cats often come in useful
Fur ball