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Dark circles, deeper wrinkles and brittle hair… here’s what your busy social life is doing to your looks – and how to fight back

We reveal the beauty risks of being a social butterfly

FROM drinks with the girls to late-night meals, we are all guilty of FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out.

With social media, we can see the fun our friends are having 24 hours a day and it has become increasingly difficult to turn down an invite.

 We reveal the beauty risks associated with being a social butterfly
We reveal the beauty risks associated with being a social butterflyCredit: Getty Images

But have you thought about what your busy schedule is doing to your skin?

Ageing necks, dark eye circles and deeper wrinkles are just a few effects of FOMO Face.

So before you start scrolling through Instagram again, GEORGETTE CULLEY reveals the beauty risks that come with being a social butterfly.

 It is becoming increasingly difficult to turn down an invite in the digital age
It is becoming increasingly difficult to turn down an invite in the digital ageCredit: Getty Images

Stressful schedules = FOREHEAD LINES

 Stress can lower your immune system and increase wrinkles
Stress can lower your immune system and increase wrinklesCredit: Getty Images

KEEPING up with the Joneses makes our already busy lives even more stressful.

And trying to squeeze in all the social functions when we’re really too tired to go out increases our levels of stress hormones.

Dr Justine Hextall, consultant dermatologist at The Harley Medical Group says: “As well as lowering your immune system, stress can increase wrinkles thanks to all the frowning.

“This can result in acne breakouts, even in those who normally have very clear skin.

“A healthy diet of antioxidants, stopping smoking and reducing alcohol can very dramatically reduce this spotty skin.”

— Try exfoliating and hydrating skin with 7th Heaven Avocado Oil Mud (£1, Asda).

 7th Heaven Avocado Oil Mud, £1, Asda
7th Heaven Avocado Oil Mud, £1, AsdaCredit: Handout

Binge-watching = DARK CIRCLES

 Yes, there is such thing as too much Netflix
Yes, there is such thing as too much NetflixCredit: Getty Images

DON’T want to miss out on the office chat about that new TV series you missed so have been binge-watching to catch up?

Beware – too much Netflix can increase dark circles under the eyes and fine lines.

Bianca Estelle, skin specialist at Bea Skincare, says: “If you’re constantly connected to your phone or bingeing on Netflix boxsets on your tablet, you may be prematurely ageing your skin.

"It can become dehydrated, which makes it appear dull.

“High energy visible (HEV) light from these devices can penetrate our skin and damage DNA in our cells.”

— Try Keep Young and Beautiful Instant Firming Beauty Shot (£36, ).

 Keep Young and Beautiful Instant Firming Beauty Shot, £36, renskincare.com
Keep Young and Beautiful Instant Firming Beauty Shot, £36, renskincare.comCredit: Not known refer to copyright holder

Social butterfly = POLLUTED SKIN

 Traffic-related air pollution can age your skin
Traffic-related air pollution can age your skinCredit: Getty Images

IT’S impossible to avoid breathing in toxic car fumes when you’re out.

We know pollution has a detrimental effect on our skin, but some believe it’s more damaging than UV rays.

Travelling in cities can age us up to ten per cent faster.

Katherine Jackson, a facialist and holistic practitioner, says: “Studies have revealed high levels of traffic-related air pollution can cause dark spots to form on cheeks.

“It’s important to invest in a good protective skin cream to reduce the penetration of air pollutants into the skin.

“Try to cut down on travelling in rush hour.”

— Try Vitamin C 10 Day Glow Boosting Concentrate (£17, The Body Shop).

 Vitamin C 10 Day Glow Boosting Concentrate, £17, The Body Shop
Vitamin C 10 Day Glow Boosting Concentrate, £17, The Body ShopCredit: Handout

Meals out = BRITTLE HAIR

 Overindulging can lead to stressed-out tresses
Overindulging can lead to stressed-out tressesCredit: Getty Images

EATING out is one of life’s great pleasures, but it could be doing more than damaging your bank balance – and it’s not always about what we are eating, but more often what we are not.

Dr Michael Barnish, Medical Director for Reviv UK & Aesthetic Doctor, says: “Great hair, skin and nails rely on a balanced, nutritional, vitamin-rich diet, alongside excellent hydration.

“These are the organs that are visible and therefore are important to us.

"Dining out means you’re exposed to processed foods and heavily cooked meals lacking in a number of essential vitamins and minerals.

“Have friends over for dinner rather than meeting in the latest swanky restaurant where you’ll be tempted to overindulge.”

— Try Floradix Liquid iron and vitamin formula (£10.99, Boots).

 Floradix Liquid iron and vitamin formula, £10.99, Boots
Floradix Liquid iron and vitamin formula, £10.99, BootsCredit: Handout

Late nights = DRY SKIN

 Too many late nights can mean dull, dehydrated skin
Too many late nights can mean dull, dehydrated skinCredit: Getty Images

FAILING to get the recommended eight hours’ sleep a night can be a nightmare for our skin.

Staying up late, drinking with friends or having consecutive nights out mean that we are losing out on precious beauty sleep – literally.

Getting home late on a regular basis means we are also more likely not to remove make-up before bed too, leaving skin feeling drier than the Gobi Desert.

Dr Michael says: “When we are asleep, the body concentrates on repairing itself and releasing toxins.
“The less sleep we get, the less effective this system becomes.

“Before long, skin can become dull and dehydrated, wrinkles can be enhanced and dark circles can form under our eyes.”

— Try Dr Organic Rose Otto Skin Toner (£8.59, Holland & Barrett).

 Dr Organic Rose Otto Skin Toner, £8.59, Holland & Barrett
Dr Organic Rose Otto Skin Toner, £8.59, Holland & BarrettCredit: Handout

App addiction = NECK & JAW WRINKLES

 Don't look down... you'll wind up with neck wrinkles
Don't look down... you'll wind up with neck wrinklesCredit: Getty Images

IT’S almost impossible to open your phone without having a cheeky scroll through social media to catch up on everyone’s day.

But this constant looking down means you are wreaking havoc with your neck and jawline, accelerating the ageing process.

Dr Justine says: “When you’re constantly looking down at your phone or tablet, you’re causing wrinkles on your neck.

“These areas are highly visible parts of our body and one of the biggest indicators of ageing skin.

“The skin structure of the neck is thinner and more fragile than the face – so apply a product formulated with tightening and smoothing benefits.”

— Try Formula Restore Neck and Décolleté Cream (£13.50, M&S).

 Formula Restore Neck and Décolleté Cream, £13.50, M&S
Formula Restore Neck and Décolleté Cream, £13.50, M&SCredit: Handout