This controversial cuppa colour chart has people divided… so which is REALLY the perfect shade?
TO QUOTE a famous bloke somewhere: "Tea is not a matter of life and death, it's much more important than that" (disclaimer - may not be exact quote).
The fact is that people - especially us Brits - feel very passionately about our brew.
But we are a nation divided when if comes to exactly how strong the perfect cuppa should be.
Some prefer a pale and milky mug while others like a strong and dark beverage.
This clash of the cuppas has come to a head with a colour chart which has been circulating on social media asking people to specify their preference.
The tea shade chart has caused quite a storm (in a tea cup) on as people get all stirred up over other's preferences.
One chap who selected D1 "bag in" was told his selection was "grim" while another person warned: "If it's D4, you can leave."
One woman said: "B3 - perfection. All the 4s make me feel bit nauseous."
While another fella was branded "hard core" for opting for 1A, with no milk or sugar.
His selection was backed up by a passionate sipper who said: "Give me A1 or give me death."
One woman thought the chart was the perfect addition to an office.
She said: "This needs to be pinned up in all offices. It's why the tea run is way more fraught than a coffee trip to Starbucks."
If you want to know how to make the perfect cup of tea – here's our guide with how long should you leave the teabag in and if you should you put the milk in first.