Flatsharers work for an average of 131 days a year just to pay rent – here’s how to haggle with your landlord
If you’re about to start a new lease or you’re in the middle of renewing an existing one then it’s worth trying to negotiate
FLATSHARERS work for an average of 131 days just to pay rent, according to new research.
The UK’s millions of renters know what it's like to see a big chunk of their pay packet go on rent each month.
But new data from flatshare site Spareroom.co.uk has revealed that if people put away ALL their take home pay towards rent they would have to work from the beginning of the year to May 12.
This is based on the average UK rent of £628 per month - meaning the average flatsharer hands over £7,536 to their landlord every year.
Earlier this week, new figures published by Homelet revealed that renting rates in London have fallen for the first time in eight years.
And rental inflation across the UK is at its lowest in seven years.
It means there has never been a better time to haggle with your landlord.
If you’re about to start a new lease or you’re in the middle of renewing an existing one then it’s worth trying to negotiate.
If your landlord tries to hit you with a rental increase you don’t have to accept it.
Get your paperwork sorted and do some research to find what the average rent is in your area for a similar property.
If your landlord won’t drop the increase you might be able to get them to lower it or meet you halfway.
It’s worth asking them if they can do this before you accept an increase that you’re unhappy with.
If there are some improvements you want done to the property, for example, new carpets or a lick of paint then use the increase to get these things done.
Landlords want good renters, so if you’re a good tenant with good references, always pay on time and are willing to extend your contract or move in immediately - use this as a bargaining tool.
If you already live there then it will cost your landlord money if you move out and they have to advertise the property.
If you’re about to move in then they might be willing to knock a bit of money off the rent to secure a good tenant who can move in right away.
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