Best cheapest Christmas turkeys 2018 revealed – where to buy the lowest price bird from £9

CHRISTMAS is always a clucking expensive time of year - but The Sun has revealed how you can at least save money on the turkey.

We've done a price comparison test to find the cheapest frozen, fresh and luxury birds, and it shows that you can pick up a whole bird from just £8.99 at one budget supermarket.

Aldi won for the cheapest frozen small turkey (left), while Morrisons took the crown for having the cheapest fresh small turkey and the cheapest premium small turkey (top and bottom right)

Aldi takes the (turkey) crown this year for the cheapest frozen bird, while Morrisons wins twice for having the least pricey fresh and premium turkeys.

Our price comparison test also reveals the cheapest frozen, fresh and luxury turkeys at every major grocery shop in case you're loyal to one supermarket.

It's always best to shop around though, as our analysis reveals that you can save up to £35.36 depending on which supermarket you visit.

Of course, you may find cheaper turkeys from an independent or local butcher where they are more likely to be locally sourced and have lived with higher standards of animal welfare. You can check these prices on the directory .

, which costs £10 and has the same average weight as the Aldi bird.

Aldi's bird is half the price of Waitrose's posher Essential Waitrose Frozen Turkey Small which costs £18 for an average 4.75kg bird - or £3.60 per kg.

While most fresh turkeys won't go on sale until a few days before Christmas, frozen birds are on sale now so it's a good choice for anyone who wants to get ahead with their shopping.


Shoppers might have expected to see Lidl competing with Aldi for the cheapest bird, but unfortunately the supermarket was not able to supply its turkey prices.

Meanwhile a spokesman from Co-op said it is only stocking a limited number of frozen turkeys in a handful of stores as it is a convenience retailer.

Cheapest fresh turkey - £9.16 from Morrisons (£4 per kg)

Morrisons has the cheapest fresh turkey of any major supermarket, but several will give you more meat for your money

Morrisons won alongside Asda and Tesco last year for its fresh turkey but this year, the supermarket takes the crown alone.
