Avoid getting ripped off when you shop by checking for the right safety labels – but do you know what they mean?
MAKE sure you're checking for these important labels when you shop so you don't end up buying shoddy or dangerous products.
You’ve probably seen lots of these labels and symbols before, but many people don’t know what they mean or why they’re there at all.
Sometimes they're on the packaging, while other times they're on the label.
But, they have a very important purpose, and knowing what they mean could save you from buying something that isn’t safe.
These labels and symbols are especially important when buying secondhand goods, or if you’re buying products from an unfamiliar retailer.
While all new products should meet minimum safety standards, older products may not have been built to that standard.
To use it, a member has to sign a declaration promising to follow set safety, marketing, and ethical manufacturing standards.