: "I returned to my car and just couldn't believe it, so I took some pictures.
"The space (next to Mazda) was blocked by a post that is supporting the roof. Clearly, no-one can park on this space safely by manoeuvring around that post.
"As I am a new father I was looking for spaces around the car park where I could fully open the car's door to take safely my little one out of the car.
"So I did move my car a little to the space with no access and covered a yellow line.
"When we came back, I received a ticket for 'Not Parked Wholly Within Bay'.
"I could absolutely agree with a ticket if I blocked another space or some access but in this case, clearly, another car can't park there."
Mr Maj issued an appeal to the company to overturn the ticket - but he lost the case.
A spokesman for Premier Parking Logistics said the bay was used by motorists and added Mr Maj had "admitted that they purposely parked over the bay for their own convenience, so has admitted liability.
"The terms and conditions which form the contract which the driver agreed to adhere to were broken by the driver.
"The driver parked next to the sign with the terms and conditions. There is also a 24 hour phone number on the signs.
"We have checked the back office and on the day there were only 7 cars in the car park during the whole day.
"There are 30 spaces in the car park all of which are above regulation size as recommended by local authorities.
"We have today taken time stamped photos of the bay you claim to be obstructed with 2 cars either side and the bay empty .
"We have then taken time stamp photo of a vehicle parked in the bay and then comfortably leaving the bay."
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