: "It took 3 hours 20 minutes by the time they got the scooter back in the car and it was a three hour limit, eventually they were ready to go, my wife had to go to the toilet, and had to go back into Boots which took further time.
"The actual fact that they spent over £1,500 between them should negate any time constraints because they are doing retail a lot of good.
"I wrote back and challenged the fine, I got no sympathy whatsoever, no allowance for disability, if you are over the three hours you are going to get fined."
Now Bob is challenging the dine from parking company G24, who operate the Central Six Retail car park.
He explained: "They sent back a second letter demanding the fine, I am just ignoring it.”
He has been contacting the company - but is yet to speak to someone that will hear him out.
The charge would have been £42 if paid within 14 days of issue, but has now risen to £70.
Bob said: "[G24] are so outrageously greedy that they would fine someone for spending money in their retail park, it is ridiculous.
"I would rather shop somewhere else".
He added: "I understand there could be a problem of people overstaying by the time limit as commuters could be using it free of charge, if anybody is justifiably shopping in their centre, even if they spend a fiver, I would think there should be no time limit."
The Sun has approached G24 for comment.