I was slapped with £50 fine over common parking act we’ve all done by council – can you tell what rule was broken?
A DRIVER has been left fuming after he was fined £50 by the council for a common parking act that most people have done.
The driver revealed how he was slapped with the hefty fine for parking barely 30cm over his girlfriend's driveway.
He shared a snap of the offence on April 10, which showed his parked car barely covering the front drive, and said he had received the harsh penalty from Port Adelaide council.
The puzzled driver then took to Reddit to ask Adelaide, Australia, users if they had ever had a similar experience.
He wrote: "I was fined $90 for parking about 30cm over my girlfriends driveway by Port Adelaide council. Has anyone had an experience with something like this?
'"Just to add to the annoyance the car in front of me was parked across two spaces and it was a busy street because of the public holiday.
"I practically didn’t have a choice but to park slightly over the driveway."
And people were quick to flood the comment section with their mixed responses.
One user wrote: "I swear they must get like a commission or something for the number of fines they write, because it's insane how stupidly they randomly dish out fines like that".
Another said: "Omg this made me laugh at how ludicrous it is. Wow".
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A third asked: "How is that even illegal?"
But not everyone took the drivers side in the debate and said he was clearly in the wrong.
"Yeah sorry mate, rules are that you can’t be parked over a driveway, no matter by how small a margin. Unfortunately your photo proves the Council right, probably just have to learn from this one and move on," said one Reddit user.
Another added: "You're gonna have to cop this one, I'm afraid. Regardless of whether it's your own house, it's an expiable offence to block a driveway like that."
One more chimed in: "Technically illegal. It doesn't matter if it's your house or your girlfriend's house, you're not allowed to obstruct a driveway."
According to the council's website, a vehicle can park up to the edge of a driveway but not across it.
This comes after one driver was slammed with a £155 fine after parking on his own driveway.
The man took photos of his vehicle which showed the rear wheels on the footpath outside his property.
Doug Forbes, from Coventry, visited Gloucester on March 2 and paid £2.50 for a three-hour parking bay at 5.54pm, but after receiving the fine, he realised the ticket was only valid until 6.01pm.