UK city with the worst roads revealed – is yours on the list?
MOTORISTS in Norwich have to cope with the worst roads in Britain, according to a new “Pothole Index”.
The city topped the table for the highest purchases of tyres and other damage-related part replacements per person.
Lincoln is second, followed by Chesterfield, according to the list compiled by eBay.
Norfolk and Lincolnshire are among the counties receiving the highest additional government funding to deal with potholes in the current financial year.
Devon is getting more from the £200million pothole pot.
Dr Tony Tong, eBay Head of Automotive, said: “Drivers in Norwich and nearby Lincoln buy more new wheels, tyres and associated parts than anywhere else in the UK - suggesting their roads cause the most damage to these vulnerable items.
Read More on Potholes
“It’s not all bad news for motorists, though, as the most affected six towns and cities in the eBay Pothole Index are all covered by Local Authorities who sit among the 15 biggest recipients when it comes to their share of the recently announced £200m increase in road maintenance spending, suggesting the extra finances are going to the places that need it most.”
Top 15
1. Norwich 2. Lincoln 3. Chesterfield 4. Preston 5. Tamworth 6. Boston 7. Southampton 8. Reading 9. Newport 10. Ipswich 11. Nottingham 12. Redditch 13. Leicester 14. Gloucestershire 15. Worcester.