Top 10 weird and wonderful roundabouts… from giant hamburgers to sheds balancing upside-down
These are the most obscure sculptures and structures used to jazz up some of the world's most famous roundabouts
By Dan Elsom
17th July 2017,3:46 pm
Updated: 2nd August 2017,10:25 am
WHEN most people think of roundabouts, rarely would the mind summon images of much more than a marginally stressful traffic obstacle.
But for a select few, a roundabout poses a unique opportunity for creativity.
Around the world, certain lucky sections of road feature rotary islands like none you have ever seen before – decorated with some incredibly bizarre sculptures.
In fact, there are so many of these obscure traffic circles that a global competition is held each year.
Hosted by the UK Roundabout Appreciation Society (UKRAS), the International Roundabout of the Year award is the Grammy’s of road junctions.
For 2017, the winner was New Zealand’s Titirangi double-kerber traffic island at an Auckland junction, which features artwork representing the regeneration of life.
But the Titirangi is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to unique junction features.
These are the most weird and wonderful roundabouts from all over the world: