Simple tool could help you dodge a driving ban the morning after a big night out
A SIMPLE tool could help you figure out when you can safely drive again after a big night out.
A whopping 41,000 drink driving arrests were made last year, with a large number of those occurring the morning after the motorist had consumed alcohol. has come up with a handy calculator so people can work out if they're fit to drive the morning after the night before.
Approximately one in 10 drink-drive arrests take place between 6am and 8am and tests show reactions are just as bad on a hangover as if you drove after several pints.
But research shows people are still regularly caught as late as midday the day after a heavy session.
And drivers are more likely to be caught for drink driving in the summer months, with boozy celebrations in the sun leading to a higher number of Brits taking a risk on the road.
Worryingly, the research revealed a fifth of Brits had driven despite knowing they are over the legal limit - and a quarter of these have done so while still feeling drunk between the hours of 6am and 12pm.
Motorists caught over the legal alcohol limit could face hefty fines, a driving ban and even be imprisoned.
As a general rule it takes an hour for a single unit of alcohol to leave your system but that also depends on your age, sex and weight.
The calculator will give you a rough idea of when you are safe to drive, but it's certainly not a guaranteed test.
HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH What is the drink drive limit and how many alcohol units can you legally drink before driving in the UK?
The only way to make sure you aren't over the limit after a boozy night is not to drive at all the next day.
Amanda Stretton, motoring editor at, says: “Sun and alcohol is a dangerous cocktail, and it clearly has an impact on the number of drivers who are caught drunk behind the wheel.
“We know that it can be hard for motorists to calculate how many units they’ve had, and how long they have to wait until they can drive.
"So we’ve created a morning-after calculator to give drivers a rough idea as to how much alcohol is still in their system, and how long it typically takes to leave their body.
“Drink driving is a dangerous and punishable offence, which can seriously impact the safety of our roads and put other road users at risk.
"The offence can land drivers with a fine, or even a driving ban, which can have a negative impact on their car insurance premiums.
"To avoid getting caught out, we suggest drivers stop drinking early if they know they have to get behind the wheel in the morning, but the best advice would be to avoid drinking alcohol at all.”
Earlier this week, we reported how police would be issuing drivers with a breathalyser that stopped them from starting their car if they were over the limit.