A BRITISH photographer has revealed jaws-dropping pics of terrifying great white sharks baring their razor-sharp teeth.
Yet shark fanatic Euan Rannachan reckons that "these muscle and teeth-laden grey busses are actually quite friendly".
Rannachan, 34, has come face-to-face with – and photographed – countless sharks in his adrenaline-fuelled career.
His incredible shots capture one of nature’s most refined predators at their most fearsome, with row upon row of razor-sharp teeth on display and their haunting black eyes focusing on their next target.
But after years of diving and close interaction Rannachan, who has lived in California for the past 15 years, has developed a new respect and understanding for the apex creatures.
He said: I honestly never felt in danger at all.
"Yes I admit every cell in my body was tingling a bit as the cage door slammed open and I lowered myself into the water on the first dive, but once I was in there 10ft down with these guys all around me, it was actually extremely peaceful."
Rannachan added: "When people see my photos, 90 per cent of the time the reaction is ‘you are crazy'.
"Being literally face-to-face with a great white shark is something everyone should experience once in their lives."