Photos show first-known case of child suffering new ‘Kawasaki disease-like inflammatory condition linked to Covid’

THESE photos show the first-known case of a child suffering from a mysterious new coronavirus-related condition.

Doctors have warned of a rise in children reportedly in intensive care in the UK with an inflammatory syndrome that attacks blood vessels in the heart.


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The six-month-old baby girl's legs were covered in a red, bumpy rash - believed to be Kawasaki disease

NHS England has compared the features of the unidentified life-threatening condition to toxic shock syndrome or Kawasaki disease in an urgent alert this week.

But it appears medics in the US may have identified the first case in a six-month-old girl earlier this month.

The infant, believed to be from California, was taken to hospital after developing a fever and refusing to eat.

She didn't have a cough or congestion and doctors diagnosed her with a viral infection.


The following day, the infant broke out in a red, blotchy rash which persisted for another two days before her worried parents brought her back to see medics.

She had also developed conjunctivitis and dry cracked lips, while her temperature was still high at 38C and she was starting to suffer from mild congestion.

Doctors also carried out a chest x-ray which showed a faint opacity in the middle of her left lung.

They noted that throughout her illness, she hadn't come into contact with anyone who had been knowingly sick.


Her nine-year-old sibling had upper respiratory symptoms three weeks prior to the infant falling ill.

The family had also been self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic and hadn't left the house for school or work for a week before she developed a fever.

But based on her symptoms, they sent her to the emergency department to be tested for Covid-19.

Doctors noted that the infant had conjunctivitis as well as a fever

What were her symptoms?

The six-month-old girl, who hasn't been named, suffered from a number of symptoms that left doctors concerned.

This included:

  • a fever
  • a persistent red rash covering her arms and legs
  • dry, cracked lips
  • bumps on tongue
  • swollen hands
  • conjunctivitis
  • mild congestion

Given her symptoms, she was also tested for Covid-19 which later came back positive.

Doctors suspected she could be suffering from Kawasaki disease - a rare blood vessel disorder - and she was admitted to the children's ward.

By this point, she was on day five of her illness and doctors noted prominent lumps covering her tongue as well as a mottled red rash on her legs and hands - which had left them swollen.

She was treated with high-dose aspirin and intravenous immunoglobulin, also called IVIG, which is a solution of antibodies taken from healthy donors.

An echocardiogram - a scan used to look at the heart and nearby blood vessels - came back normal without any evidence of coronary dilation or aneurysm.


Covid positive

The evening before she was discharged, her Covid-19 test came back positive from the Stanford Clinical Virology Laboratory.

Doctors said the Public Health Department was notified, and the family was instructed to quarantine at home for 14 days from the positive test date.

She was discharged 48 hours after completing IVIG treatment, on low dose of aspirin, with plans to follow-up for repeat echocardiographic evaluation two weeks after discharge - after the mandated 14-day quarantine.
The case was published online in the journal Hospital Pediatrics on April 7.

“To our knowledge, this is the first described case of KD [Kawasaki disease] with concurrent Covid-19 infection,” the authors wrote.

The youngster's hands were swollen and covered in a red, blotchy rash

The report, they said, is intended to inform others caring for pediatric patients affected by Covid-19 as clinical presentation patterns evolve.

It comes after doctors have warned of a rise in children reportedly ending up in intensive care with a life-threatening inflammatory syndrome related to Covid-19.

The mysterious condition is understood to have features of toxic shock syndrome and Kawasaki disease.
