Super-rich buying underground bunkers with SHOOTING RANGES over fears coronavirus will spark social meltdown

THE world's super rich are buying bunkers with SHOOTING RANGES amid fears coronavirus will spark a crime epidemic.

Multi-millionaires and billionaires are going underground as the deadly outbreak spreads panic around the world.

The mega-rich are escaping underground amid the outbreakCredit: Jampress

"The United States is very vulnerable economically and if there were a collapse we would see civil and social unrest.

"What you are going to have is people going door-to-door trying to do harm, trying to steal, trying to take food and trying to take possessions.


They are fitted with state-of-the-art air filters which can even remove nuclear dust in the wake of a missile attack.

They have huge food storage rooms which can hold up to six months supplies of tinned and freeze-dried goods.
