Guns N Roses frontman Axl Rose calls Trump ‘repulsive’ and accuses him of fueling anarchy over George Floyd
GUNS N Roses frontman Axl Rose has gone on a wild rant and called President Donald Trump "repulsive" and accused him of fueling anarchy over George Floyd.
The 58-year-old rock legend blasted the president for criticizing the media as protests spread and violence escalated across the country following the death of African-American man George Floyd.
Rose tweeted Sunday: "Lamestream media ISN'T doing everything within their power 2 foment hatred n' anarchy, that's U!
"As long as we get what Ur doing, that Ur FAKE NEWS n' a truly bad, repulsive excuse 4 a person w/a sick agenda, we can work past U w/whatever it takes 2 a better, stronger future!"
The anti-Trump musician's fiery tweet was a direct response to Trump blaming the "Lamestream Media" for "doing everything within their power to foment hatred and anarchy."