DONALD Trump branded John Bolton a "sick puppy" and claimed his controversial new book is full of "fake" quotes after the ex-National Security Adviser claimed the president is "not fit for office."
Trump tweeted Thursday morning: "Bolton's book, which is getting terrible reviews, is a compilation of lies and made up stories, all intended to make me look bad.
A feud has erupted between Trump and Bolton Credit: Getty Images - Getty released earlier that morning, Bolton said: "I don't think he's fit for office."
"I don't think he has the competence to carry out the job."
Advertisement Pompeo said that Trump was "" Trump " to help him win 2020 election" William Barr for roughly 17 months before Trump fired him in September 2019 after the two butted heads over how to handle foreign policy changes in , , and .
In his memoir, scheduled for release on June 23, Bolton .
Bolton also alleged Trump asked why the was sanctioning China over its treatment of Uighurs.
suspects Uighurs, who are predominantly Muslim and culturally and ethnically distinct from the majority Han Chinese population, of harboring separatist religious tendencies.
Advertisement defended himself in an interview with , and said of his former national security adviser: "He is a liar ... everybody in the hated .”
The president also told reporters on Monday that Bolton will have a "very strong criminal problem" if he proceeds in publishing the book.
Trump said: "If he wrote a book and if the book gets out, he's broken the law and I would think you would have criminal problems. I hope so."
He added: "If this guy is writing things about conversations or about anything — and maybe he is not telling the truth. He's been known not to tell the truth, a lot."