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pmqs verdict

Cameron and Corbyn deliver bizarre and boring spectacle as they tussle over Tory splits on EU

The session started with a tribute to Mohammed Ali but what came after was hardly the 'Rumble in the Jungle'

PMQs Cameron Corbyn

OUTSIDE the Commons, a prize fight is being waged over Britain’s future in the EU.

So it seemed fitting when Jeremy Corbyn kicked off the session with a tribute to Mohammed Ali.

PMQs Cameron Corbyn
David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn sparred on the EU and Tory party splits

Sure, it prompted a corny response from David Cameron about how both men try to “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee” during their weekly exchanges, but it was a promising start.

But rather than being treated to a Parliamentary equivalent of some The Greatest’s most memorable fights – the Rumble in the Jungle, the Thrilla in Manila – the baying crowd of MPs got nothing of the sort.

No surprise, really, given that both men are meant to be on the same side.

But they clearly despise each other, and a series of bizarre questions from Jezza aimed at showing up Tory splits only resulted in both men parroting the Leave campaign’s lines to the hundreds of fans gathered at ringside and the millions watching around the world on television.

It made for a bizarre and rather boring spectacle, far more lightweight than heavyweight.

Meanwhile the Tussle over Brussels rages on – with just 15 rounds to go to deliver a knockout punch.

SCORE: David Cameron 3-3 Jeremy Corbyn
