Motorist fined for giving speed camera the finger despite driving under the limit
A DRIVER celebrates safely passing a speed camera van by giving it the finger with both hands — only to be fined for that instead.
Software developer Ben Baron, 44, was clocked under the speed limit at a “hotspot” where he had been caught before.
But he was sent the photos, along with notification he was being prosecuted for not having proper control of his van.
Dad-of-two Ben, of Great Harwood, Lancs, said: "I was in tears of laughter. I’ll take one for the team with this one because it’s so funny.
“It’s a clear-cut case of me flipping the bird at them with both hands. It’s a bit of kudos. It’s so funny - I’m happy to pay the fine.
“I did a celebratory double-flipping, two-handed, which is obviously now leading to the prosecution.
“I carried on doing it for quite a while - around 200 metres potentially. They’ve got good cameras.
“I think looking on the internet the maximum fine is £1,000 for that offence.
“I decided to launch a GoFundMe. Hopefully people with a sense of humour will donate.
“I’ll pay the fine off then give the rest to charity if there’s anything left.”
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