British special forces to test helmets which send electric shocks into their BRAIN
Incredible technology is designed to stimulate white matter and boost wearers' physical performance
Britain's crack special forces are reportedly set to test remarkable new helmets which send electric shocks directly into the wearer's brain.
The SAS and SBS are said to be interested in trialling technology which stimulates the brain to keep soldiers' awake and alert during long, secret missions, according to The Times.
These helmets are believed to boost physical performance. They work by helping the brain send signals to muscles more efficiently, a process called neuropriming.
When the helmets are worn during training, muscles build up more quickly and wearers gain strength much more quickly.
They are made by a firm called Halo Neuroscience, which designed the gadgets to be used by sportsmen.
“When athletes train, much of the benefit in strength as well as skill comes from the brain learning to use the body better," .
"That’s neuroplasticity. And what Halo Sport is doing is it’s increasing neuroplasticity during that training period so that the brain, which is already getting better during that, gets better a little bit faster during that period of training.”
On Tuesday, the Pentagon announced plans to test out the helmets on American special forces.
“These headsets will be used by teams from our special operations forces, who will work with Halo to gauge how effective their device might be at improving marksmanship, close-quarters-combat skills, and overall strength training," said Defence Secretary Ash Carter.