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MORE than one in 10 Americans would give up all their money to lead a “cleaner” life, according to new research.

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans found people are trying to be more sustainable post-pandemic, with more than one in five no longer buying single-use items and ditching processed foods.

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans found people are trying to be more sustainable post-pandemic
A recent survey of 2,000 Americans found people are trying to be more sustainable post-pandemicCredit: Getty

Among the factors that inspired people to start living more sustainably are an increased awareness of the impact on their health (43 percent) and the environment (42 percent), along with a greater acknowledgment of harmful ingredients (40 percent).

Living more sustainably and being more cautious of their health has leaked into other areas of our lives, too. The study also found that 64 percent of those polled have started taking their skincare more seriously.

From influencers to celebrities, there’s no shortage of inspiration for taking better care of one’s skin. When asked what celebrities have the greatest skin of all time, more than one in 10 named Beyoncé.

Conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by , the study also asked people how much thought they give to how consumer and environmentally friendly their favorite products are.

More than two in five said they’d use more sustainable products if they had better knowledge of what “clean” products are.

Although social media and pop culture have made sustainability trendy, 36 percent of Americans said they rely on their family’s and doctor’s expertise above all else when choosing personal care products.

“It’s interesting that consumers are often confused by what it means to be clean, with almost half of respondents believing clean beauty is expensive by default. But finding clean, efficacious and affordable skincare is feasible, even at your local drugstore,” said Tina Pozzi, Chief Brand Officer at Bliss.

"Fifty-eight percent want to make more ethical choices when buying skincare products and choosing B Corp certified personal care products can contribute to that goal.”

Almost two-thirds (64 percent) always read the labels on the beauty products they buy, and more than half (55 percent) consider a product’s ethical production before purchasing.  

Only 26 percent of respondents said they were completely sure of where the ingredients in their products came from, while just 34 percent were confident they knew the long-term impact on their health and just 22 percent said they were aware of the environmental impact.

In pursuit of a more ethical lifestyle, people are prioritizing a product’s cruelty-free status (48 percent) and whether or not it has recyclable packaging (40 percent).

Still, 48 percent think making more sustainable choices is expensive and one in five think it’s inaccessible.

“While 64 percent of Americans read the labels on their beauty products, our study also discovered one in seven don’t understand eco-friendly phrasing,” added Pozzi. “That knowledge gap may keep people from having the impact they want on their own health, as well as the environment.

For instance, only one in 10 people know what a Certified B Corporation is. It requires companies to practice transparency and sustainability and consider the effect their decisions have on the community and the environment.”  

I'm more aware of how it impacts my health                 43%
I'm more aware of how it impacts the environment       42%
I'm more aware of harmful ingredients                          40%
To reduce waste in my house                                        38%
For my family's well-being                                             31%
My friends have inspired me                                         15%

Junk food                               37%
Soda                                      33%
Video games                          26%
Social media                          26%
Coffee / tea                            24%
Gym membership                  23%
Chocolate                              20%
My smartphone                      18%
Buying new clothes                16%
TV/streaming for a year         14%
My computer                          13%
My microwave                        13%
All my money                          12%
All material possessions         11%
My car                                     11%