More than HALF of Sun readers are helping save the planet – here’s how you’re doing it
MORE than HALF of Sun readers are significantly changing their habits to help save the planet.
Our exclusive survey revealed three quarters — 74 per cent — of you buy fewer new clothes and 51 per cent wash them at lower temperatures and are more conscious of turning off electricals.
Food waste has been cut by 63 per cent of people while 52 per cent eat less red meat — up from 34 per cent in 2019.
Almost two thirds — 64 per cent — walk more, 51 per cent cycle more and 49 per cent have cut car use.
Before COP26, the UN climate change conference, starts in Glasgow on Sunday, we surveyed 2,000 readers to find out what green efforts you are making. It comes a year after we launched The Sun’s Green Team, urging you to make small changes to cut CO2.
Our poll revealed that nearly every Sun reader — 91 per cent — accepts climate change is impacting the world.
More than half — 52 per cent — would consider taking a train or ferry instead of a plane to their next holiday destination. That is up dramatically from 20 per cent in our 2019 Green survey.
Almost half those quizzed are more conscious of wasting water. Plastic pollution is your biggest environmental worry, and Sir David Attenborough is most influencial at persuading you to be greener. And 82 per cent believe if we all make small changes, it will add up to a positive impact.
Yet there is still work to be done.
You say cost puts you off having an electric car and electric heating, and you want cheaper eco-friendly products.
It could save you money and all of your actions will go toward a global goal of getting a billion people to make changes.
1. - Going meat-free for a day brings the same carbon saving as not driving for a month.
2. - The average UK family throws away £700 of food a year.
3. - With energy prices rocketing this will save you money.
4. - Stop heating the sky with heat escaping through your roof.
5. - We ditch the equivalent of 250 t-shirts a year.
6. one extra journey a day - petrol cars emit twice as much pollution in their first five minutes of use, so even short journeys add to climate change.