As Jeremy Corbyn continues to reduce his party’s credibility, Labour truly appears to be red and buried
The Labour party leader is set to announce his plans to allow all immigrants to enter Britain... but The Sun asks: Is there anybody still listening?
TODAY Jeremy Corbyn makes his big speech of the year. Few will listen and fewer still will care.
Under him, Labour has not just ceased to be relevant to the working people it was set up to represent. It is openly hostile to them and their interests.
Its most prominent figures, stinking rich lefties of the metropolitan elite, now brazenly mock and abuse the working-class for failing to share their values.
Diane Abbott brands 17.4million Brexit voters stupid racists.
Shami Chakrabarti, gifted a cosy peerage by Corbyn, belittles “Essex man” for lacking “the vision and views” of her and her right-on friends.
Emily Thornberry, forced to quit under Ed Miliband for sneering at a white van man in Kent, now sits smugly reinstated on Corbyn’s front bench.
And today Corbyn himself will stick two fingers up at Leave voters and support uncontrolled mass immigration.
Luckily Britain has too much sense ever to hand this rabble power.
Labour’s “policies”, already tested to destruction in the 1970s, are a complete irrelevance in the 21st century.
They want to hammer job-creating firms and borrow enough to bankrupt Britain.
And all this is before we get to the characters of Corbyn and his Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell.
The former, a lifelong fanboy of IRA mass murderers, still sucks up to any cause — no matter how backward and repugnant — if it is hostile to America.
McDonnell is a genuinely sinister Marxist creep who advocates violence in the pursuit of political aims and speaks unashamedly of “lynching” Tories.
These noxious numbskulls are heroes to the student Trots of the Momentum movement who have rapidly transformed Labour into a party defined by hate, vicious feuds, anti-semitism and stomach churning hypocrisy.
The rest of Britain will pay them little attention until roughly a fortnight before the next election. When they do, the verdict will be merciless.
Labour will suffer a graver defeat than it can even imagine.
Why its many moderate MPs want to waste precious years bracing themselves for the car crash is anyone’s guess.
They should quit. Labour can’t be saved.
Cliff in the clear
SIR Cliff Richard’s treatment during his long sex-case ordeal was disgraceful.
But we do not believe suspects should remain anonymous. On balance, justice is better served by publicity encouraging genuine victims to come forward.
That will attract fantasists too. It is to the police’s shame they are so slow to see through them.
Likewise there was no excuse for their showboating raid on Cliff’s home, screened live by the BBC.
The allegations were so thin the star was never even arrested.
We hope Britain remembers that he has emerged from his two-year trauma an entirely innocent man.