Ex-Cabinet Minister Nicky Morgan slams Theresa May’s dithering over Brexit deal for Britain
Former Education Secretary says PM risks handing control to the right-wing of the Tory party with slow pace of negotiation
THERESA MAY was yesterday told her Brexit dithering risks handing control of EU talks to the right-wing of the Tory party in a staggering attack by ex-Cabinet Minister Nicky Morgan.
The Tory – axed by the PM in her July reshuffle - stormed: “There has been a lack of a plan from our Government about the negotiating, the process, what’s going to happen.
“The longer the gap is left, the more likely is that, as we are beginning to see, people are taking up positions, whether it’s a hard Brexit, a soft Brexit.
"There is a danger we will start finding ourselves, the Government will find itself, in a position where other people are setting the terms of the debate.”
The attack came a day after Tory veteran Ken Clarke blasted the PM – and accused her of running a “government with no policies” and said he would vote against a Brexit in Parliament.